
We reach beyond our campus to the world around us in many ways


Lutherans are known in much of the world as people who take practical action to bring new life to those seeking refuge. We do this by working with other agencies such as Lutheran Disaster Response, Lutheran World Relief, ELCA Good Gifts and other local, regional, national and global organizations and partners.


We are Church together. We are Church for the sake of the world. We believe that God is calling us into the world – together. With generous, loving hands we can make a difference. ELCA World Hunger is a ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to end hunger in the United States and around the world.


Lutheran Disaster Response lends a helping hand to those physically, mentally and emotionally affected by disasters. Your gifts will ensure that disaster survivors in the United States and around the world are receiving the assistance they need since 100% of your money goes to support disaster relief.