CHILDREN's + youth ministry @ Danebod
Children and youth are both the church of today and the church of tomorrow.JUMPING FOR JESUS
Join us on Wednesday nights, from 5:30pm to 6:30pm! All school aged kids pre-k 4yr-6th grade. Enjoy a evening of fun activities and projects.
Danebod Youth Leagues meet for fellowship, service projects, mission trips, and discipleship.
Our 3-Day Camp is offered to all children who have completed grades 4-6.
Vacation Bible School is a blast each summer!
Learn more about Danebod Family Camps at the special family camp website.
Confirmation Ministry at Danebod is an opportunity for young people to make public profession of their faith. If children were baptized as infants, Confirmation is a time for them to take ownership for their life of faith, to make a public commitment to the Christian life. For children who are not baptized, Confirmation is a process of faith formation and spiritual exploration that may lead to baptism. Confirmation Ministry is a 2-year course for 7th and 8th graders (or any young people) to explore faith in relationships with each other and with the church.
We spend time learning in a classroom setting, but also sharing highs and lows, eating a snack or a meal and playing games inside and outside. We explore the Bible and Lutheran teachings by studying the Small Catechism. Young people will be immersed in the language and practice of faith and encouraged to ask questions, wonder and explore a life of service in their faith exploration.